Wendell and Wild
2019 - 2022
2019 - 2022
I worked in the model shop at Wendell and Wild. Our model shop was small and we all wore multiple hats. I did 3D printing, vac-forming, brass brazing, molding and casting, digital modeling, wood working, scratch building, sculpting, the works. The turn-around on most props was short and we got good at working quickly and efficiently. We were backed up by an amazing scenic team who painted our props and made them look gorgeous!
The style of the film required a handmade quality which was often challenging to achieve digitally. I worked in Maya and learned to model in a way that looked organic, a little “wonky”. I was the only one in the model shop doing 3D modeling and would often need to finish digital models in a very short amount of time. I learned to work efficiently so that I could model a prop, print it, and have it ready the next day. My meshes weren’t always pretty but the finished props looked beautiful.
Wendell and Wild was a relatively small and scrappy production. The RP department had their hands full with prints for the puppet department. I upgraded the model shop’s print set up and streamlined the printing process. During the film I printed and prepped the majority of the 3D printed props for the art department.